LEVI HAYWOOD: Narccissist, Scammer, compulsive liar, manipulator,Tinder scammer
Haywood scammers
This website is dedicated to the Haywood family scammers
Levi haywood quotes
" I match fat and ugly girls on Tinder to get a free place to stay"
" I sold a guy 5000 dollars worth of bad rocks and still managed to get him back later as a client"
" I know when all of my clients get paid and how much they earn "
My story
Levi and the Haywood family run a precious stones business. Although some of their business is legitimate, a large part of their operation is designed to scam people out of their money.Levi is constantly looking for investors and pitches 100s of ideas which involve fake investments and no returns. Cindy Szemenyei is in charge of banking, while Arien Haywood and Tammie Gollobith (Levi's sisters) are involved in distribution. My story with the Haywoods is as follows. Levi contacted me about helping him pay for exporting rocks out of Argentina. He told me about his business. Levi is a charmer and told me all about the family business. He kept offering me investment opportunities, some ofwhich were ridiculous. All of which would make me a millionaire. I was a little naive and just thought of Levi as a dreamer who wasn't really that interested in making money (which he had claimed). He said he just loved rocks. Levi offered me 20% of his business for 5000 dollars which he needed to file a mining claim. He said my 20% would make me millions. I asked why he would want to give up so much to a guy he never met and for so little. He said it was because I was helping him export his rocks and he wanted me to make money because he isn't greedy and wants others to benefit. It was too weird for me and I said I would feel guilty if you succeeded so I turned him down. How we worked was Levi would send me money on PayPal and I would send him pesos in Argentina. After a while I trusted Levi. He is a charmer and seems honest. So I agreed to start sending money in advance when he was short. At one stage the amount got a little too much for my liking as he was supposed to send it to me right away as clients paid him, but it had been a couple of months. He told me Cindy would send it to me ASAP, but he had some banking issues. He was sending rocks back to Arien and Tammie and then Cindy would send. At this stage I wasn't too worried as he assured me it was coming. Then he asked me to send him more pesos. I said I was uncomfortable sending more at this stage. He said don't worry, Cindy is sending all in the next week and he just needed to get this shipment sent for people to pay him. I took his word for it and sent it. Next Levi told me that he had to go back to the US and that he couldn't pay me as he needed the money to fund a trip, but I would have everything within 3 months, guaranteed. After 4 months I said to Levi that I have received nothing and what was going on. He told me a big payment was coming and I needed to relax. The big payment came 2 months later. It was 200 dollars. At this stage, I was owed almost 7000 dollars which is a lot of money to me and my family. It was at this point I started to see the real Levi. He stopped replying to messages. Eventually, he replied to me and I asked him if he could pay me from his salary (which was previously agreed) and he said no, that money is for me, you won't be receiving that. The money would have to come from sales of rocks. Levi was still posting videos and selling but I wasn't getting any money back. I asked him if he could take a loan out to repay me and he said loans are impossible in the US. I said okay, so you are scamming me. Levi told me that if I kept up my bad attitude I would get paid back slower as punishment. I said "slower, but you are not paying me back." Then Levi told me that as punishment for me calling him a scammer, he would refuse to pay me back anything. So this is how the Haywoods operate. Looking back I now know why Levi really wanted me to invest, rather than front money. It was because an "investment" can go wrong. He wouldn't obliged to repay a bad investment. He also asked me for 30,000 on numerous occasions. The amounts that the Haywoods will ask from you is always the amount they think they can get out of you. Also, Levi set up a business document looking for investors. He put my name on that document. He didn't even know my surname, yet I was put down as part of the business. This was to lure in other "investors". This site will stay up until the Haywoods repay me the money I gave them. I never invested in their business and Levi just stole my money. I would ask anyone who confronts Levi about this to understand he is a charmer. He will say anything he thinks will make you believe him and he is very convincing. But once he knows you are no longer going along with him you will see a very dark side of him.
compulsive liar
In order to convince me to give him a bigger advance Levi told me a story about how he moved to Argentina with 10k USD and bought land with a 1 bedroom house. Also, he told me he had rocks worth 200,000 dollars (wholesale price) sitting in his storage. He said he would hold them because if he shipped them they were worth a million retail. All of this leads me to believe the amount of money I fronted him wasn't an issue. Of course, looking back, everything was a lie. Levi has no problem making it up as he goes along.
warning signs
The more I got to know Levi the more worried about dealing with him I became. A few stories spring to mind. 1. He told me how he sold a bunch of bad rocks to a guy for 5000 dollars and still managed to convince him to come back as a client, by blaming the person who cut the rocks for stealing the good ones. I would like to find the person who bought the 5000 and I would be happy to testify against the Haywoods if this person pressed charges.2. Levi told me how he finds fat and ugly women on Tinder in order to get a free place to stay. When he saw I was horrified by what he said he threw in that he " still has sex with them " as if this makes it okay and he is doing them a favour. By the time I saw the dark side of Levi shining through, it was too late. By now I started to try to get my money back but I pretty much knew I was just another Haywood victim.
What do I want from this site?
I accept that my money is almost certainly gone, but I believe there should be consequences for their actions. Levi is clearly in control of the scams. I am not sure if his family profits or not, but they are at a minimum enabling Levi. He has a history of scamming people and his family have to know about his past. They are either profiting from the scams or enabling him.
I am looking for people to email me with information about where Levi is living, or even the area. I would like to post this website everywhere possible. Also, if people know where he works. I think his company should know about his past. Also, I would love other victims to come forward. Any way I can help people legally, I am happy to do so. Also, ex-partners scammed by Levi. Literally anyone. I will reach out to all of the people I know Levi has been in touch with over the years. And I will keep adding to this website. Of course, if the Haywoods do the right thing and return the stolen money, then I will remove the website. But I would imagine the Haywoods don't return the money.
I also have years of receipts of money sent to Levi and a lot of bank receipts from Levi. I intend to bring all of this to the attention of the IRS. Hopefully, if the family don't refund my money then they will have to pay very heavy penalties to the IRS. I am sure scammers don't pay their taxes.Also, I would love for anyone else with a story about how they were scammed by the Haywoods. Also, if you have the address of Levi, where he works and any details it would be appreciated. I would not reveal who told me.I am paying a 100-dollar thank you for the address where Levi is staying and also if you have his work address.Contact me at levihaywoodscammer@gmail.com
Cindy Szemenyei CFO
Cindy is in charge of banking
Arien Haywood distribution
Tammie Gollobith distribution